Let’s Build a Bright Green Future!

Treat yourself to some art, books, or performance tickets, and support independent journalism about how we can live sustainably.

Illustration with key text: "Help Asparagus build a bright green future. Our goal: $20,000."

Description needed.

Asparagus Magazine has been telling the large and small stories of how we can live sustainably since launching online in February 2018. In the five years that have followed, we’ve published eight print issues and hundreds of online articles, been nominated for 10 awards (at regional, national, and international levels), and won three—including 2022’s BC Magazine of the Year.

Day-to-day news of climate disasters and social injustice can make the future feel bleak. But the Asparagus team believes a brighter future is possible. And we believe that the kind of journalism we create is critical for building the bright green future we all dream of.

But we need your help to keep creating it. So we’re running an online fundraiser and silent auction! With your support, we’ll keep publishing well-written and inspiring stories that

  • share solutions, not just problems
  • amplify voices from groups too long marginalized from important conversations
  • help us take action in our own lives, our local communities, and on national and international levels
    follow the science—the kind that’s published in peer-reviewed journals and the kind that’s been tested and passed down through oral tradition over millennia.

We’re absolutely awed by the generosity of the 100+ individuals and organizations who have donated items and experiences for us to offer to you, our supporters. We’ve received so many incredible donations that we’ll keep adding rewards to the fundraiser over the weeks that it runs. So go ahead, treat yourself or a loved one to an original work of art, something good to read, a powerful cultural experience, or any of the other wonderful offerings from our generous community. (Then check back a week later and do it again!)

If you’d rather contribute financially without a reward, you can sponsor an article, an illustration, or some scritches for our Feline-in-Chief Barnaby. And please, spread the word about this campaign far and wide. We’re aiming to raise at least $20,000, which the non-profit Asparagus Journalism Society will use to pay writers, editors, designers, photographers, illustrators, and fact-checkers to keep telling the kinds of stories that make change. The more money we raise, the more stories we can tell.

Together we can build a bright green future. Let’s do it!

Asparagus depends on readers.

Support our work by subscribing, donating, or buying sustainable swag.